Consulting Arborist For Construction & Development Near Atlanta & Charlotte

The role of the arborist is to represent the interests of the owner.

In that capacity, the arborist should become part of the development team starting with the planning process and then remain involved through construction until the project is completed.

Critical decisions involving trees during development and construction have a significant impact on the outcome and success of a project.

Any property with trees should involve an independent consulting arborist experienced in every aspect of construction as early as possible.

A good arborist can save money while making a profound difference in project scheduling, navigating complex regulations, the aesthetics of the finished project, the environmental impact on the site, and especially with public relations.

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Working with Our Team Of Consulting Arborists

For over 35 years, Arborguard has partnered with hundreds of developers to effectively analyze sites and site plans and to create tree conservation programs that address issues that arise before, during, and after construction.

Some of the specific services we provide include the following:

  • Assessment of existing trees for health, structure, form, species, size, etc.
  • Determine impact on trees, woodlands, watersheds, and natural site features
  • Review architectural, civil, and landscape/hardscape plans
  • Tree protection plans, specifications, guidelines, and schematics to mitigate impact
  • Boundary issues or disputes involving trees, litigation or expert witness representation
  • Representation at public hearings, zoning review boards, or other municipal meetings
  • Recommendations for tree preservation, transplant, removal, and tree health care applications
  • Preventative or corrective tree care services

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